Ahead of the Global Conference on Aquaculture Millennium +20, FAO will convene a series of webinars on various topics relevant to the sustainable development of aquaculture. The first of these webinars will be the presentation of six “Regional Reviews of Aquaculture”, culminating with “The State of World Aquaculture 2020”. These are scheduled for 26–29 October 2020, the original dates of the GCA. Note that the GCA has been postponed to 22–27 September 2021.
These reviews provide up-to-date information on the status and trends of the sector, at regional and global levels, developed from national, regional and global datasets, supplemented with expert opinion and literature review. The reviews can be of pertinent interest and use to government authorities, international and regional organizations, policy-makers, aquaculture farmers and other aquaculture value chain actors, investors, civil society organizations, academia and training institutions, as well as other interested stakeholders.
For each review, a presentation of key messages will be followed by a panel discussion. Question and answer sessions will provide opportunity for interested parties to comment on the reviews, ahead of their final publication. Relevant documentation will be posted online in advance of the webinars.
*Registration is required for each webinar.
Fish Innovation Lab Director Mark Lawrence will serve as an expert panelist on the Regional Review of Aquaculture in North America webinar.