The Fish Innovation Lab Goes to Kenya for Regional Partners Meeting

Andrew Wamukota in a panel discussion
Andrew Wamukota (seated on the far right) was part of a panel discussion at the 2023 Feed the Future Innovation Labs Regional Partners Meeting in Kenya. (Photos provided by Stephen Reichley and Gina Rico Mendez)

By Alaina Dismukes

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish principal investigators and representatives from the Management Entity joined the 2023 Feed the Future Innovation Labs Regional Partners Meeting in Kenya. The meeting focused on systemic and innovative solutions for climate adaptation, food, and nutrition systems.

Our colleagues highlighted the key role that fish and aquatic foods can play in climate-smart food systems. They also shared successes from our research teams during the expo booth showcase and contributed to sessions on localization or local-led research for development. Fish Innovation Lab representatives included Andrew Wamukota and Elizabeth Kamau-Mbuthia from the Samaki Salama activity, Tim McClanahan and Nyawira Muthiga from the Achieving Fisheries Sustainability in a Climate Sanctuary activity, and Stephen Reichley and Gina Rico Mendez from the Management Entity. Wamukota was a speaker in a panel titled "How Do We Bring in Socially-Marginalized Perspectives for Socially Equitable Outcomes in Uncertain Times?" while Mendez facilitated a panel called "Systems Change for Local Leadership."

"The Regional Partners Meeting in Kenya was a great opportunity to both share experiences and collaborate with other innovation labs as well as see our own Kenya research teams in person," said Gina Rico Mendez, the Fish Innovation Lab's Human Outcomes Specialist and Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Specialist. "After the meeting, we were also able to go on site visits with our two Kenya teams to see firsthand the work that has been accomplished by our Fish Innovation Lab teams."

See more pictures below taken from the event.

Andrew Wamukota speaking at the Feed the Future Innovation Lab Regional Partners Meeting
Andrew Wamukota spoke in a panel titled "How Do We Bring in Socially-Marginalized Perspectives for Socially Equitable Outcomes in Uncertain Times?" 

Andrew Wamukota's PowerPoint slide titled "How Do We Bring in Socially-Marginalized Perspectives for Socially Equitable Outcomes in Uncertain Times?" 
In Andrew Wamukota's presentation, he represented the Fish Innovation Lab and provided his experience and perspective to the discussion panel.

Stephen Reichley and Gina Rico Mendez standing at the Fish Innovation Lab booth
Stephen Reichley and Gina Rico Mendez set up the Fish Innovation Lab booth to present the lab's key message at the meeting.

Stephen Reichley and Gina Rico Mendez standing at the Fish Innovation Lab booth talking with others
Stephen Reichley and Gina Rico Mendez spoke to several indiviuals at the Fish Innovation Lab booth and got to discuss the ways the innovation lab is alleviating poverty and improving nutrition in vulnerable populations through reliable and inclusive provision of fish.

Published June 7, 2023