This activity will promote adoption of genetically improved carp in Bangladesh to improve aquaculture efficiency and resilience. Objectives include ensuring capacity in private hatcheries and nurseries for business-plan implementation and commercial delivery of improved carps; assessing farm performance of genetically improved carps and providing data to strengthen marketing and business analysis; and securing and genetically improving core populations of rohu, catla, and silver carp as well as developing and applying tools for genetic management of these three species that can be operated under a commercially oriented model. The activity will also support capacity development and sharing of learning and research innovations from existing Fish Innovation Lab activities, such as the Cryogenic Sperm Banking for Carps project, with private sector firms. The activity will complement and collaborate with partners in a common national-level objective to commercialize unique genetically improved carp resources for the benefit of fish farmers in Bangladesh.
Success Story [2022 Bangla version]
Success Story [2021 Bangla version]
Executive Summary of Results and Findings