From Harvest to Plate: An Analysis of the Aquaculture Post-Harvest Chain in Nigeria

Women waiting on harvest
Photo by Joe Steensma

This activity includes identifying technologies and practices that provide income growth and improve diets, identifying and mapping the aquaculture market systems that improve productivity and reduce post-harvest losses of aquaculture fish, and identifying gaps in the aquaculture post-harvest sector. This work will build on available data from public- and private-sector partners and map the aquaculture value chain in Nigeria to better understand the current aquaculture post-harvest chain structure, efficiency, and key market constraints.

Success Story [2020]

Executive Summary of Results and Findings

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Presentation of Results [video]

The Aquaculture Postharvest Value Chain in Nigeria

Collaborating with the Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy

From Harvest to Plate

Fish Innovation Lab Awards $500,000 in 'Quick Start' Grants