
Image Alternative Text: Prepared Dish

Batashi Fish Curry with Brinjal and Potato

This recipe from Bangladesh contains a variety of foods and spices, illustrating one of the most important health behaviors—dietary diversity! Fish and other foods in the recipe—potatoes (tubers) and brinjal (eggplant in the berry family)—were…

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Global Partners Discuss Nutritional Goals at Virtual Convening

To discuss food and nutrition security, the Fish Innovation Lab convened global partners on June 28 when lab leaders, country coordinators, and grant recipients discussed the connections between research projects and potential nutritional outcomes…

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Global Stakeholders Convene to Discuss Progress on Early Research

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish held its first virtual platform meeting for global partners on March 19 when lab leaders, country coordinators, and grant recipients convened to discuss progress and learning outcomes for current research…

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Fish Innovation Lab Awards $500,000 in ‘Quick Start’ Grants

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish (Fish Innovation Lab) has made the first round of awards for research, granting $100,000 each to five projects in four countries: Bangladesh, Kenya, Nigeria, and Zambia. Known as “Quick Starts,” these…